
The Late Romanticist Eduard Leonhardi used this house as a studio and museum until his death in 1905. During the 1970s and ´80s, politically daring actions and expositions were carried out here by progressive artists of the GDR. The building now acccomodates changing exhibitions of contemporary art and a permanent display of Leonhardi´s works.


Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Grundstraße 26

01326 Dresden

Director: Bernd Heise

Phone: +49-351-2683513

Fax: +49-351-2633347

eMail: mailto:leonhardi-museum@museen-dresden.de

Opening hours / entrance fees

Tue to Fri: 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Sat to Sun, holidays : 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Mon: closed

4 Euros / reduced 2,50 Euros
Children under 7 years free admission
Free admission with Dresden Pass

Admission free on Fridays, except Bank Holidays

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