Schiller Pavilion

On the invitation of Christian Gottfried Körners, Friedrich Schiller journeyed to Dresden in 1785.

Friedrich Schiller in Dresden
He enjoyed the harmonious atmosphere of the Körner vineyard residence. He often retreated to the small garden cottage, where he worked on the manuscript „Don Carlos “ and finished the ode „An die Freude.“ The Schillerhäuschen in Dresden-Loschwitz, which was furnished in the second half of the 19th century, commemorates this sojourn by Friedrich Schiller. The special location as well as an exhibition on Schiller’s Dresden friends, works, and admirers makes this, the smallest museum in Dresden’s Museum country, a special attraction.


Schillerstrasse 19
01326 Dresden

Phone: +49-351-4887272
Fax: +49-351-4887303

Opening hours / entrance fees

From 29 March 2024 (Good Friday): 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (until 31 october) or by prior arrangement by telephone 0351-4887272 (via the Besucherservice)

Admission free


Bus lines 61, 63, 84
Bus lines 521
(Stop „Körnerplatz“)

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