Technische Sammlungen Dresden. Museum of Science and Technology

The Technische Sammlungen Dresden are a museum located at a site rich in tradition.

The building with its prominent tower – formerly a camera factory and place of business for Ernemann Works, later Zeiss-Ikon AG and VEB Pentacon – counts as one of the most meaningful industrial buildings of the past century. The museum possesses more than 30,000 objects from industrial, technical, and everyday history of the last 150 years: cameras and projectors, typewriters and sewing machines, radios and television sets, mechanical music instruments, processors, computers, household machines, scientific equipment, as well as numerous industrial products manufactured in the GDR. In the 48-meter-tall Ernemann Tower, a café offers an inviting vista over Dresden.


Technische Sammlungen Dresden
Junghansstrasse 1 – 3
01277 Dresden

Director: Roland Schwarz

Visitors service
Phone: +49-351-4887272
Fax: +49-351-4887263

Opening hours / entrance fees

Tue – Fri: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Sat + Sun: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Mon: closed

handicapped accessible

5 Euros / reduced 4 Euros
Children under 7 years free admission
Free admission with Dresden Pass

Free admission on Fridays from noon, except bank holidays


Tram lines 4 and 10
(Stop „Pohlandplatz“)

Bus line 61
(Stop „Pohlandplatz“)

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