
A museum that must be rediscovered is the Heimat- and
Palitzsch-Museum in Prohlis.

Prohlis, Palitzsch and Planets
The permanent exhibition demonstrates the traces of the
Neolithic in the village and later housing development of
Prohlis in the south-west of Dresden. The life and work of the
farmer and astronomer Johann George Palitzsch of Prohlis
occupy a second section. In 1758 Palitzsch was the first to re-
discover the comet predicted by Edmond Halley and called
after him, Halley’s Comet, causing great excitement in the
academies of Europe. This exhibition reveals the fundamentals
of astronomy in a striking manner, looking back on the history
of astronomy and forwards to current space missions. The
highlight is a digital Planetarium (prior registration necessary!)


Gamigstrasse 24
01239 Dresden

Director: Peter Neukirch

Phone: +49-351-7967249
Fax: +49-351-7967251

Opening hours / entrance fees

Weds – Sun: 12 noon – 5 p.m.
Mon/Tue: closed

handicapped accessible

4 Euros / reduced 3 Euros
Children under 7 years free admission
Free admission with Dresden Pass

Admission free on Fridays, except Bank Holidays


Tram lines 1, 9 and 13
(Stop „Jacob-Winter-Platz“)

Bus line 64
(Stop „Hülße-Gymnasium“)
Bus line 65
(Stop „Haltestelle Altreick“)
Bus line 66
(Stop „Gamigstraße“)

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