Show diversity,
experience education

Participate & support

You can get involved in the Museums of the City of Dresden in many different ways and support our work: as a volunteer, as a member of one of our Friends and Patrons groups or with a donation. Become a part of us!

Volunteering in the museums of the city of Dresden

In the museums of the city of Dresden, numerous volunteers support the work in the collections and the museums on site. For example, the operation of and visits to the city's smallest museum, the Schillerhäuschen, are made possible by the commitment and dedication of our volunteer colleagues.

Behind the scenes, volunteers also support the work of the curators and museologists, especially in documenting the extensive collections. 

Volunteer in the museum – a year of culture in the museum network

Every year, you have the opportunity to do your federal voluntary service in the museums of the city of Dresden: you will gain an insight into the working world of a museum and can contribute your own ideas and interests. Our volunteers are supported by the museum team throughout the year and are deployed in the areas of »Education & Mediation«, »Experience Maths« or »Collections & Documentation«.

Your area of application

You support us with:

  1. Welcoming and accompanying school classes and children's groups to the location of the respective tour or workshop
  2. Informing visiting groups about the service areas and behaviour in the museum (visitor rules)
  3. Accompanying the guided tour; supporting the museum educators in their work with the group, e.g. distributing worksheets, assisting with group work
  4. Supporting the museum educators with interactive and activity-orientated activities, such as creative artistic activities, handicrafts, independent discovery in the exhibitions
  5. Supervision of large groups during activities in the exhibitions
  6. Preparation of workshops and activities with children and young people, i.e. rearranging the adventure workshop or other areas for the respective activity, providing craft materials and/or setting up task stations
  7. Preparatory activities for temporary offers, e.g. help with procuring materials and organising parties
  8. Supporting information measures for schools and day-care centres, such as sending letters, distributing flyers, etc.
Your contact
Louisa Kropp (Parental leave cover for Christin Lumme)
T +49 351 488 7365M

You support us:

  1. in the development of new experiments under guidance and testing in practice
  2. with the improvement of the exhibits
  3. in researching the exhibits (e.g. material)
  4. in the provision of consumables
  5. supporting and assisting with museum education, including accompanying visitors with disabilities, helping with children's birthday parties, museum festivals and theme days
  6. in the procurement of materials and logistical preparation of museum education programmes (including room design, ensuring order and safety during creative activities)
Your contact
Holger Seifert

You help us with:

  1. Researching the collections of the museums of the city of Dresden
  2. Systematisation of the collection objects
  3. Support with collection documentation
  4. Digitising the collection objects (scanning and photographing)
  5. Data entry and data cleansing in the collection database
  6. Support with the organisation of storage
Your contact
Nicole Thiele-Schulze

You can find general information about the Federal Volunteer Service in the Dresden City Administration here.

Further information can be found there.

Our volunteers:

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine lächelnde Person in einem blauen Kapuzenpullover vor einem verschwommenen, grünen Hintergrund im Freien. Der Fokus des Bildes liegt auf der Person und ihrem freundlichen Gesichtsausdruck.Foto: © Museen der Stadt Dresden, Philipp WL Günther

»As I wanted to try my hand at working with children after leaving school and I've always been interested in museum work, I did my BFD in education and outreach. Here, you take part in events such as the Museum Night and support educational programmes or run them yourself.«

David, volunteer in education and outreach in the Museums of the City of Dresden (2023 – 24)

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine lächelnde Frau im Vordergrund, die in eine Kamera schaut. Der Hintergrund ist unscharf und besteht aus grüner, natürlicher Umgebung.Foto: © Museen der Stadt Dresden, Philipp WL Günther

»I am Elisangela, a Brazilian. As a federal volunteer at the Technische Sammlungen, I work with children from »Open Roberta AG« and »Jugend hackt«, among others. I love working in museums with different projects and visitors. I gain new knowledge, have fun and make great contacts with lots of people.«

- Elisangela, volunteer in the Maths Adventure Land area at the Technische Sammlungen Dresden (2023 – 24)

KI generiert: Das Bild zeigt eine junge Frau, die neben einem Mikroskop sitzt und in die Kamera lächelt. Der Hauptinhalt des Bildes besteht aus der Person und dem Mikroskop, was auf eine wissenschaftliche oder Laborumgebung hinweist. Foto: © Museen der Stadt Dresden, Philipp WL Günther

»In my federal voluntary service at the Technische Sammlungen, I'm focussing on microelectronics in the GDR. I microscope wafers, take pictures of them, exchange ideas with former microelectronics engineers and create inventory overviews.«

Sophie, volunteer in the Collections & Documentation department at the Technische Sammlungen Dresden (March to July 2024)

Friends and patrons' associations

With enthusiasm and commitment for the museums of the city of Dresden:

Förderverein für die Technischen Sammlungen Dresden e. V.

Founded in 1995, the association has around 80 members, mainly former employees of Dresden's industry or those currently working in research and industry. The association is networked with other technical-historical collections and associations and supports two working groups that maintain and demonstrate selected museum objects in working order.

Förderverein Erlebnisland Mathematik Dresden

This association consists mainly of mathematicians. It supports the further development of Erlebnisland Mathematik through scientific advice, events, educational programmes and the acquisition of funding.

Freundeskreis Kunsthaus Dresden e. V.

Since the 1990s, this circle of friends has accompanied and supported the presentation, discussion and communication of contemporary art at the Kunsthaus Dresden. Members from various professional fields promote the dialogue between art and social developments and organise special tours and events.

Freundeskreis Städtische Galerie Dresden Atelierbegegnung e. V.

This association is closely linked to the founding of the Städtische Galerie Dresden and actively supports the gallery, particularly in the purchase of artworks. Since its foundation, more than 50 works of art have been acquired for the municipal collection. The association organises exclusive previews, excursions and studio visits and has been publishing a yearbook on art in Dresden since 2015. 


Your donation helps us to fulfil our traditional tasks: Collecting, preserving, researching and communicating. Please mark your transfer as a donation in the »Purpose« field, stating the recipient of the donation (e.g. Carl Maria von Weber Museum) and the purpose of the donation (e.g. fortepiano). We will be happy to issue you with a donation receipt. Please also state the amount of the donation, your name and address by e-mail.

Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden
IBAN: DE 23 8505 0300 3120 0000 34