Publications on Dresden's city history and its formative personalities, on the city's economy and industry, as well as on architecture, the districts of Dresden, monographs on art and artists from the region and exhibition catalogues are a central part of the museum library.
Publications on the general history of technology, photography, computing and office technology, electronics, entertainment technology and household technology are another important part of the museum library. Titles from the fields of photographic and cinema technology, photochemistry and photophysics as well as artistic photography complete the collection.
The oldest books in the library date back to the 17th century. Within the collection of periodicals, the first German-language journal »Photographisches Journal« (1854 – 1863), the »Photographisches Wochenblatt« (1878 – 1890) and the »Photographische Correspondenz« (1879 – 1953) are an outstanding group of holdings.
The library holdings can be researched via OPAC or sent by e-mail / telephone. On Thursdays, reserved literature can be consulted in the library's reading room by appointment.
Reading room
The reading room is located on the first floor of the Landhaus and can be reached via the Landhausstraße museum entrance.
We are happy to make it possible for users with limited mobility to visit the library after prior notification by email or telephone.
The reading room has:
- six workstations
- a computer workstation for research in the OPAC
- Microfiche reader
- reference works
- journals relevant to the collection and current periodicals