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About us

Welcome to the Museums of the City of Dresden! Explore our unique set of museums, where history, art, and culture come alive. Whether you're here to discover the past, engage with contemporary exhibits, or simply enjoy a day of learning, we're delighted to have you with us. Start your journey through our diverse museums and uncover the stories that shape our world.

Foundation and development

The Museumsverbund der Museen der Stadt Dresden was founded in 2005. Since its foundation, the association has continued to develop and now comprises ten important institutions. These are organised in Office 43 of the City of Dresden's Department of Culture and Tourism.

Expansion and consolidation

Since its foundation, the museum network has been continuously expanded and consolidated. In September 2015, further important institutions were added to the network's existing museums. The largest museums in the network include the City Museum, the Municipal Gallery, the Technical Collections, the Kunsthaus and the Leonhardi Museum.

Challenges and progress

Over the years, the association has overcome various challenges. These include overcoming political and financial hurdles as well as the continuous expansion and maintenance of the collections despite limited resources. A central concern was and is researching the provenance of the collection objects and coming to terms with the losses caused by National Socialist cultural barbarism and the Second World War.

Collection management and digitisation

An important focus of the work in the museum network is the professional care and expansion of the collections. Particular emphasis is placed on the quality and rarity of the objects. The collections are carefully archived, documented and digitised in order to make them accessible and usable for the public. Perspektiven

Future prospects

An important project for the future is the construction of a central depot to ensure the effective and conservationally optimised storage of the collections. Since its foundation in 2005, the Museumsverbund der Museen der Stadt Dresden has developed into an important institution for the preservation and presentation of the city's cultural heritage. Despite limited resources and numerous challenges, the association has been able to expand and modernise its collections and remains a key player in Dresden's cultural landscape.

Museum development plan 2019 to 2025

The museum development plan builds on the conceptual considerations from 2010 and 2015. With the involvement of employees of the association, existing concepts were critically scrutinised in a communicative process. New aspects and topics relating to the future direction of Dresden's museums were discussed and incorporated into this museum development plan. As a result, the teamwork in which the concept was developed also manifests itself in a stylistic diversity that was explicitly not honed, as it corresponds to the profiles of the individual museums.