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In the footsteps of Tessenow in the garden city of Hellerau

Guided tours through the Festspielhaus Hellerau

Stadtmuseum Dresden
Hinweis: Meeting point: Festspielhaus Hellerau, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 56, 01109 Dresden

The young Tessenow, himself a temporary resident of the Garden City, was a co-designer of the Gesamtkunstwerk Hellerau. On the tour through the Garden City, discover the arc of his work on traditional small house construction to the Festival House, which became trend-setting for the modern age.
Cost: 21 € per person | 16 € reduced for students
The price includes the guided tour through the Garden City and the Festspielhaus and free admission to the exhibition in the City Museum upon presentation of the participation receipt.
We kindly ask you to register at least 4 days before the dates at mailto:fuehrungen-sachsen@deutscher-werkbund.de.
Minimum number of participants: 10 persons
Separate dates for groups are also available on request.
Group surcharge 25 € for English language.
Tessenow action
With your admission ticket from the Stadtmuseum you will receive a reduced ticket for an event at HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts. This offer is only valid for events in the period of the exhibition „Heinrich Tessenow. Architecture and Furniture“ (27.11.2022 – 29.05.2023). Special events and events of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company are excluded.

Informationen zum Museum

Stadtmuseum Dresden
Wilsdruffer Straße 2
(Eingang Landhausstraße)
01067 Dresden
Internet: https://www.stmd.de
Di – So, Feiertage: 10 – 18 Uhr
Fr: 10 – 19 Uhr
Mo: geschlossen

Korrespondierende Ausstellung

Sonderausstellung, vom 27. November 2022 bis 29. Mai 2023: Heinrich Tessenow. Architektur und Möbel

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